October NRRT Newsletter

Lets hope NSW gets on board with rail trails soon.
A new chapter in a campaign to establish a Northern Rivers Rail Trail has moved up a gear

Representatives of local government, regional development, business, environment, the cycling community and the Northern Rivers Rail Trail Inc (NRRT Inc) gathered at the Murwillumbah Railway Station to discuss moves to secure funding to convert the disused rail line from Murwillumbah to the Tweed Shire boundary at Crabbes Creek into a trail for hikers, cyclists and other non-motorised transport.

The forum was told that while the Northern Rivers Rail Trail was unsuccessful in its bid for State Government funding earlier this year – for the full length of the Murwillumbah to Casino rail corridor – feedback received from the evaluation process gave Northern Rivers Rail Trail advocates a lot of confidence for a revised proposal.

“We were encouraged  that a revised proposal  covering a smaller section of the corridor and involving only one local government area, will be treated more favourably,” NRRT Inc representative Geoff Meers said.

Cr Longland said the revised Northern Rivers Rail Trail campaign will  focus even more closely on the business and regional development opportunities the trail would generate.

“While the feedback we’re receiving from the business community demonstrates considerable excitement and impetus, this campaign will have a strong emphasis on documenting this potential and examining ways to build it further,” he said.

“Closer participation by the business community, through the Murwillumbah and District Chamber of Commerce, and the involvement of Ben Reddin, the region’s new Regional Development Australia Chief Executive Officer, will be essential in strengthening our case.”

Mr Reddin told the forum he was 100 per cent behind the campaign.

Murwillumbah and District Chamber of Commerce President Toni Zuschke said the rail trail would be an excellent way to channel more visitors into the Tweed, including tapping into tourism in Byron Shire.

“This fits in perfectly with the Green Cauldron’s recent selection by Tourism Australia as one of Australia’s iconic tourism destinations,” she said.

“The rail trail would be the ideal way for visitors and locals to explore this iconic location.”

For further information visit the NRRT Inc website at http://www.northernriversrailtrail.org.au/

Once we have the Tweed section started, the completion of the whole trail from Casino to Murwillumbah will be only a matter of time.

Please continue to support the rail trail by donating (below). The NRRT association is a voluntary organisation. 

Ben Reddin (CEO for Regional Dev. Aust.), Tony Zuschike (president Tweed Chamber of Commerce), Barry Longland (Tweed Councillor), Geoff Meers (Secretary NRRT assoc.), Vaughn McDonald (Richmond Valley Council).

  • Volunteer at the markets – contact enquiries@northernriversrailtrail.org.au
  • Tell your friends and family about the rail trail.
  • Encourage them to sign our online petition, follow us on facebook and join as a supporter from our website below.
  • Write to your local council thanking them for their support.
  • Contact your local state member to thank them for their ongoing support.
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local paper in support of the rail trail. http://www.northernstar.com.au/contact/feedback/
  • editor@echo.net.au
  • Tell your federal member about the rail trail