- American Trails on the economic impact of trails
- Jetstar Magazine on “Travelling by bike on Victoria’s abandoned railway lines is a great way to explore diverse landscapes”
- Rail-to-Trails Conservancy on “Do Trails Really Equal Dollars for Trail-side Communities? Here’s What Business Owners Say”
- Rail-to-Trails Conservancy on “Follow the money: Making a strong case for investing in trails”
- Rail-to-Trails Conservancy on economic impact studies of rail trails
- Rail-to-Trails Conservancy Trail Blog on economic impacts of rail trails
- ScienceLine on “Rail to trail transformations do more than encourage exercise”
- Traveller on “Cycling the Hauraki Rail Trail in New Zealand”
- Treadly and Me on “The Economics of Rail Trail Tourism”
- TripAdvisor on the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail
- TripAdvisor on the Otago Central Rail Trail