Xmas 2019 Newsletter


* Council has been advised that a funding deed will be offered in December and all being well this could reduce further delays by up to 3 months.

* Council is considering a report at the meeting of 5 December with the staff seeking to recommence the design and construct procurement process for the rail trail. 

* In addition, the Council forwarded its Review of Environmental Factors (REF) assessment for its rail trail concept design to the Biodiversity and Conservation Division within the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment who have confirmed the matters raised by them have been satisfactorily addressed. The REF is a significant statutory process of environmental assessment and is a key part of designing and constructing the rail trail and ensuring the environment is protected and any potential environmental impacts are mitigated.

* Through an adjoining  landowner engagement process Council has received very positive feedback about the individual uses of these properties and the landowner’s own assessment about their specific needs and concerns.  Combined with the REF and Biosecurity Assessment prepared for Council by NSW Local Land Services this will collectively assist the Council and its consultants to design a rail trail and undertake its construction in way that best minimises any potential adverse impacts.  It also allows the opportunity to consider future business proposals / opportunities raised by adjoining landowners and how these might be accommodated within the design and operation of the rail trail.

* We have been advised that the Bill (to change the legislation) will be put to Parliament in February.  Also, Crown Lands will be the responsible Department for the corridor once it is declared a public reserve under the Crown Lands Management Act. This will keep the corridor in public hands.

Some of our supporters having just ridden a ride from Burringbar and returning for brilliant coffee and hot chocolate at the ELWOOD CAFE. Proprietors Sophie and Jack are excited about the rail trail coming right past their business!

Casino to Bentley Update

The project guidelines for the funding has landed on the desk of RVC! Great news. It is going to happen! Thank you to Kevin Hogan for helping us obtain this funding.

Eltham Valley – Grey Road


A great day, in-spite of being a very windy, smokey day. A wonderful initiative by the youth of Casino. Some great support here for the rail trail. 

Rail Trail committee members with Robert Mustow (mayor of Richmond Valley Council). Robert is extremely enthusiastic and he and his team are working very hard to get the trail happening at the Casino end of the corridor.


Marie and Claire from the rail trail committee.
We have had a great year at the Lismore Car Boot Market, with lots of positive interest in the Rail Trail.


Save the Date for the grand opening of Tumbarumba!The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail will be officially opened on Friday 3 April 2020 with a full day of celebrations on Saturday 4 April. Spread the word and start getting ready, they can’t wait to see you all. Happy days ahead! This will be the first government funded rail trail in NSW!

These wonderful guys from the men’s shed making gates for the Tumbarumba Rail Trail!
The Tumbarumba Brochure